Gain Structure: Let's Talk About It

No, I was banned because some riled-up asshat got all wound up and accused me of gaming the system and then went crying all wah wah wah some super-asshat Reddit admin (being top level reddit admin is definitely no compliment or title I want, especially when they were fucking with people so hard during the tenure of that highly paid Asian lady) so the madness of two super power duo used an inaccurate context (that they - having no integrity whatsoever) to fuck up my world. Ha ha what fun. oh what fucking power. So yah I am still kind of sore about it and then general false premises and girly claims to pull some "escalation" stunt, but I have been through it before about 10 times with the character types who are so obsessed with power to be internet admin who fuck with strangers and do this "I am the judge" power trip over other people. I know the type and have seen it a hundred. So, really, if you are so fucking inexperienced and naive to piggy back onto that shit and reflexively join the bucket brigade of dumping shit on people, you might want to have a rethink. I am do not have a victim mentality, but I am not one to idly stand by when the bullshit reaches drowning depth. Since you mentioned it. I have made effort to get over this shit and thought it was done. This bullshit has quite a tail to it. I guess it can still whip around and snap you every once in a while.

but you were banned for your actions

If you are really that fucking simple in the head, you should study case law and see all of the righteous shit that happens to me people because of their actions. Meanwhile the people who are actually taking the action, you seem to forget about them after they have stimulated you to pick up a pitch fork and follow them to the hangin' tree. Are you really? that easily lead? You are talking to the real deal, not some rumor or echo. I show you the basic courtesy. Don't treat me like the weird kid in the cafeteria and you got the permission slips for the bus trip.

/r/livesound Thread Parent