This game isn't as good as I remember

Your post is too vague. If you want people to help you, you need to express specifically what you like and dislike about the game so far as well as where exactly you are in the game (which world at least.) Many people on this sub have already beaten this game within a ten hour time frame. Most people also tend to agree that KH2 is one of the higher points of the series, and honestly probably the best the series has to offer in general. I will offer some generic advice but if you don’t like the game then you don’t like the game.

If you don’t like the story but are enjoying the gameplay, many people just skip the cutscenes. I would recommend making a save to go back to Incase you become interested in the story and then try skipping cutscenes just to play for fun. Then you can always replay from your save if you decide you wish to experience the story.

If you like the story (which it honestly sounds like you don’t based on your post so I’ll just be brief) you can just lower the difficulty and mash X through the game playing it like an interactive movie.

If you can’t find anything about the game you enjoy (story, characters, gameplay, anything really) then its time to quit playing. In this case the game clearly isn’t for you. To fully appreciate the story of Kingdom Hearts, the player needs a lot of patience to play every single game and pay attention to every cutscene. Even then, many people still get lost with the story although I find it to be an enjoyable and fairly easy to follow story as long as you are interested enough to pay attention. Appreciating the gameplay of Kingdom Hearts usually means playing on the harder difficulties. Not always, but usually. It becomes a completely different game when you play on critical mode so if challenging and rewarding gameplay sounds fun to you I highly suggest playing the game on that mode or at least proud mode if you aren’t already.

Unfortunately, as I said previously, you are in the minority with your opinion. Most people on here tend to agree Kingdom Hearts 2 is the best of the series in pretty much every way. If you want to add to your original post I’d be down to try and help you out. Some people do find the Roxas opening to be boring. Perhaps that is where you’re stuck at? If so, I recommend sticking it out until you start to play as Sora. Most people don’t appreciate Roxas as a character much until after they’ve sunk a lot of time into the series as a whole.

If you’re currently playing as Sora, make sure you are effectively using all of your drives, magic, and abilities. Don’t play it like a button masher on beginner or standard mode and complain the gameplay is boring for example. At the same time, don’t complain the game is too hard if you aren’t attempting to learn or you chose a difficulty that is too hard for you at the moment. That’s pretty much all I’ve got. Hopefully you will start to enjoy it more soon.

/r/KingdomHearts Thread