GamerGahzi doesn't allow questions. Will you guys help a new person out?

GamerGhazi is a play on "GamerGate" and "Benghazi", the overblown conspiracy which many in the American right wing have beaten on for years even despite their own inquiries finding no evidence to back up wild claims. This seemed fitting with how conspiratorial and overblown GamerGate has been.

Do I need to point out why this is silly?

Obama and Hilary Clinton both knew that the assertions that the Benghazi attacks were caused by some stupid fucking YouTube video that offended some Muslims didn't hold any water. They went ahead and told the public that story anyways. That's the fascination. Bush kind of did the same thing when he pushed the Iraq war justifications when he himself remarked that the case was flimsy. Even if the Benghazi stuff is just petty political games, the reality remains that when you can established that your president and his secretary of state willfully mislead the public, you should be investigating it. It could turn out there was nothing there. You still do it.

Yeah, we're dismissing them as bigots, homophobes, misogynists & right-wingers because if they look like ducks, walk like ducks, and quack like ducks, they must be ducks. We're being dismissive because most of these talking points are wild conspiracy theories or are just plain not rooted in reality ("GDC is not a game developer conference", for instance), so it's not all about their regressive and downright provincial attitudes to race, sexuality and gender.

Just don't ask me to prove any of this. Please.

It does matter that they're right-wingers, though, when they are spouting homophobic, misogynistic and racist things (and then turning out and claiming to be liberal or left-leaning!! ha!! what!! a!! joke!!) because, honestly, there's nothing worthwhile there; especially if they're flinging around the word "cunt" or "faggot".

Just don't ask me to prove any of this outside of internet circles where the terms are intentionally thrown around to the point that they have no meaning. Words can't possibly have two meanings, especially the ones that make my feelings hurty.

And again, left leaning people can't possibly be racist, hate women, or be homophobic. Nope. Just don't ask me to prove that I understand the difference between the political question of authority and the political question of progressiveness. Because clearly only one side of the political spectrum is unambiguously morally straight.

lol no, we don't have to debate them, we don't have to hear them

But we love window licking.

If you're new? I'd honestly stay away. You're looking at 6 months of bullshit, misinformation, misrepresentation of everything and so much ill will between the two sides of the issue that I sorely doubt there'll be any reconciliation. Like most internet wars because it vaguely resembles a room of people each pointing a gun at someone else, when someone starts pulling triggers its doubtful anyone will be left standing. Both sides of the issue are so entirely- mutually- radicalized that, legitimate goals aside, there can be no resolution. You found it out on GamerGhazi yourself- they can't not perceive an honest question as anything other than baiting, shitposting and trolling. What does it say about a community when their reaction to honest inquiry is accusations of hostility and banning the person?

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