Gavin Mcinnes vs. Half-baked SJW rhetoric

homophobia, racism and misogyny Yeah, and my terms are moronic, vapid and over-used... hahahaha

And their blue jeans! And their "rock" and "roll"! And their midriff exposing attire! Kids these days I tell ya...

You are so edgy I almost cut myself on that one....

judging by your simple inability to properly format an internet reply you're verging on mandatory retirement age.

Yes, because typing a greater than sign before a reply is the sign of a young, cutting-edge, hipster know-it-all douche bag.

You need "us" here to pay into your pensions and clean your incontinence devices and to serve you food which you'll ultimately complain about, leave no tip and then complain some more about entitlement of "this generation" and obama and the liberals.

No actually I don't because unlike you, I did not put myself into 6 figure debt to obtain some useless Ivy League degree in humanitarian arts (or some other useless bullshit) so that I can post my pseudo-intellectual rants on Reddit. And by the time I need an incontinence device, technology will solve that issue, so we will be on equal footing :). Plus your age group is so weak and spineless that you would not take care of your own aging parents let alone anyone else in society... as far as tipping - I tip very generously - when the service is good. A tip is a reward for excellence not a required payment to entitled douche bags who do not know what hard work is.

Luckily the good thing about the constitution doesn't say anything about earning rights in blood. You may try having a look at it some time. It's remarkably different from what you thin it says.

No it doesn't... and lucky for your generation. You would all crawl up in a hole and hide with your phones, never mind spilling your blood to defend it.

I'm not really running anything

Thank FUCKING god...

I think it was the communists ruining America. or the gays. or the hippies. now it's the SJWS? Hmm. Who's your next arbitrary target you're going to gullibly believe is ruining the country?

Hahaha... Your generation is doing a bang up job. I will keep you in my gun sights. :)

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