General Discussion - November 04, 2016

ugh. I'm still super aggravated this morning — while I was doing laps around the park this morning, some dude on a commuter bike randomly swerved just as I was about to pass him and crashed into me, sending my over my handlebars and onto the ground. there was literally no reason why he would've swerved — no potholes, no debris, no intersection, no oncoming traffic, nothing. and that's what's so aggravating, because there's no leason here. dude was just completely shit at riding his fucking bike and injured someone else in the process. he asked me if I was okay and I just told him to leave — I was so angry that if he'd stuck around all he'd get was more swearing from me.

I dunno. bike is okay. wheels need truing, but otherwise no damage. my left knee is gonna have a decent bruise, but hopefully it stops hurting before tomorrow morning since I have to put ~70 miles on it. walking up stairs hurts but I was able to do 18 miles at pace after the crash so I'm not so worried. just annoyed.


also I'm getting burnt out on doing morning laps since none of my cycling friends show up anymore. I don't ask anymore; usually they'll say "you're still doing laps, right? I'll join you next thursday, I have to get back into it!" and then bail the night before or just flat out do a no-show. so it's just me in the pre-dawn dark doing laps all by myself.

also the racing team I joined? turns out the team captain has split the team into two groups — one that gets to show up for team practice laps with the coach, and the other just... does something, I dunno. it's not planned. I'm in the latter group, and when asked about switching to the former, the team captain gave me a dodgy "the coach doesn't want too many guys there at once, sorry" answer. the other team members seem sympathetic at least — they know I'll put the work in and can keep up with the team, but for whatever reason the captain wants to keep the roster as it is.

I don't think I need a break, I think I just need to find a new team/club to ride with. clearly my goals and theirs don't align anymore. oh well.

TL;DR: me_irl

but at least I found this minimalist electronic piece yesterday that I've been grooving to.

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