Generally calm people of Reddit, what made you lose your absolute shit that time?

I was 6 months pregnant & taking weekly hormone shots to help me hold the baby past 34 weeks. I was experiencing arrhythmias & had to go to a specialist. This clinic was full of staff & patients. I was waiting & waiting to be seen so they could place a heart monitor on me. The clerk saw me & asked me what my name was & then Informed me that they had changed my appointment date. I lost my shit. I asked her why had it been changed? I didn't authorize any changes in appointment. They claimed they left messages. They did not. And wanted to reschedule me for the next day. I told them I had taken time off from work to make this appointment, that my husband did as well JUST TO DRIVE ME, & I had school the next day. I stormed out screaming about how busy I am & how dare they do that. It's NEVER happened to me. I ended up going back because my Dr. insisted. But I got my results in A YEAR AND A HALF AFTER I HAD MY KID. and I know this because THEY CALLED & asked me to come in for my results.

/r/AskReddit Thread