There is a HUGE difference as DoubleVibes said, between someone who actually knows how to fly, and someone who abuses broken air mechanics.

I will say ANYBODY who truly knows how to hover fight, will never be beaten by any of these people. You might get us once or twice before, but in a real 1v1 fight you would always lose. Ganking and A2A locks are what ruin this game, I have heard so much hypocrisy. Everyone says its OK until someone does it to them.
For example- WCR from RMA said he enjoyed playing with them for their "tactics" all they do is spam rep sundies for tanks and air A2A gank squads, 30 seconds later he started bitching and calling Healthy Snax faggots because they pulled a gank squad on him lol, hypocrisy is strong.

While Onaho is a decent pilot, he's an ass and he's terrible. Spinning in circles with his coyotes does nothing, the second anyone put stealth on he's done.

All of TRJP uses locks, that's not skill, in any way shape or form and definitely doesn't qualify them as a "good pilot"

Put people like this in a 1v1 situation they get destroyed, SSBTR from INCH thought he was remotely as good as me, we did a 1v1 where I had stealth, he legitamtely hit me 2x. Couldn't fly in a real hover fight and only can rely on a weapon that aims itself. Yet he killed me twice before this in a 1v3 where he just rolled up and Coyoted me, then thought he was good.

Many pilots also just dodge 24/7 and NASCAR manouver, seems nearly every TR pilot ever, does this. Again would never work in a 1v1 but its a shitty delaying tactic where the enemy pilot will now be exposed to more fire from other people. This is what DROPTHEBASS from RMA did, as he screamed into his mic ordering other RMA pilots to him.and bring A-locks. (Something he lied about as well when 2 RMA members told me he does this lol).

/r/PS4Planetside2 Thread