Getting this off my chest

Fedora is fine. Stop making a competition out of trilby, stop complaining it's not the #1 esport anymore, stop making stupid titles like "Fedora isn't dead, sign up for the Collegiate Star League!" So what if it's not #1? Who honestly gives a shit and why does it matter? It's StarCraft, seriously. It has no competition, it's constantly updated, it's not going anywhere. Bronzie McBronzeface doesn't care if Ultralisks have two more HP in the latest patch, Captain Co-op doesn't care about the player base as long as he can find a game. You know who cares about how many players are in the game? Elitists and idiots. StarCraft has no competition, Fedora or trilby. We are the Comcast of RTS, nothing is going to change that for at least another five years. It's not #1 anymore because the whole world isn't South Korea, which still plays Lineage if that gives you an idea of how crazy they are about keeping old titles. Fedora is six years old, by gaming standards that's pretty fucking old. Has the game changed for the worse? No, so stuff it please. P.S. Stop using Twitch to determine the game's state, and stop comparing it to trilby on Afreeca. Afreeca's biggest market is people slurping noodles, fucking chill my dudes. I can think of twenty games right now that don't get any Twitch viewers and are fucking enormous.

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