Jeff Gerstmann expresses his problems with Destiny to Bungie devs at E3.

Item #1 is pointless to complain about now. There is a ton of content at this point. Even as a day one player I understand that yes we have done it all but that doesn't mean that there isn't 2 raids, POE, Trials, Iron banner, original story missions along with 2 dlc's story missions, plenty of strikes, and 4 regular pvp modes and 2 additional rotating each week.

Item #3 is repetitive in itself

Item #4 You dont have to do reputations with anyone that you dont want stuff from. It's only a grind if you make it that way. Most of the factions dont have anything worth getting anyway unless you find a particular item intriguing.

5 If you play back through the story after doing the raid you realize that a lot of the mechanics you need to learn for the raids are in some way introduced during the missions. 24 is easy to get to and that is when you can start raiding which is pretty early on.

7 I like the idea that end game gear and weapons cant be just handed to someone. RNG gives people exotics for nothing pretty frequently as is so the idea of doing even less to get those exotics would take all the remaining feeling of accomplishment away.

8 This is still Destiny 1 not destiny 2. Its an expansion pack essentially which is expanding on the current game. There are a lot of new things in TTK especially compared to previous dlc's so the complaint seems a little too soon when the expansion hasn't even come out yet.

Maybe it because I played a lot of WOW back in the day but this game is not a grind. Especially after they fixed the material farming issues. There is nothing that you have to grind out anymore in this game beyond rank 5 IB but you can get there 4 or 5 hours over a few days and even quicker for your 2nd and 3rd characters. A real grind is doing the same raids each week with a group of 20 hoping that your classes item for a particular slot is one of the 3 item drops from a boss and also hoping that you have the DKP to get that item. Thats a grind.

There are problems with this game but the only ones I see are a poorly written story. No private matches to promote competitive destiny play and a complete lack of purpose for clans. New exotic weapons cant compete with ones already in play. Almost forgot the demise of the auto rifles as well.

/r/DestinyTheGame Thread