Have you, or someone you know successfully been gaslighted by another person?

List from wikipedia with some additions based on experience:

Splitting - This being the most hurtful in my experience. It's someones inability to form a cohesive idea of something. There are no shades of grey, it's black or white, all or nothing. You can go from being the golden light of someone's life, to literally satan in about 2 seconds, for no reason or a reason that's really impossible to understand or fix. It makes you really, really anxious because you never know which you are or where you stand. Or what the person's opinion is on any given subject. This goes for things like other family members to ice cream flavors and if you don't keep track you don't pay enough attention to them, you bastard. Because of my mother's splitting, I get freaked out if someone shifts emotions or opinions quickly, I emotionally flinch.

Chaos in relationships.

Markedly disturbed sense of identity. - My mother had no solid sense of self. She kind of floated. It's hard to describe. She had no core that made up her person, or not one she could locate on demand like most people.

Intense or uncontrollable emotional triggers - Literally anything could spin her into a tornado of emotional pain that can not be stopped by sanity. You just get sucked into it and blame every problem on yourself to make it stop. It's like omnidirectional, it needs a target, and when you're close to the person, it's your fucking fault.

Unstable interpersonal relationships and self-esteem.

Concerns about abandonment - My mother did not teach me how to cook/do laundry/anything. She peeled stickers off of things so I couldn't teach myself. I wasn't allowed to touch most appliances because she thought if I could take care of myself I'd leave her.

Self-damaging behavior - Drug addict.

Impulsivity - We moved every few weeks and she had a new boyfriend to manipulate every few weeks a new job to steal from. She's a career criminal.

Frequently accompanied by depression, anxiety, anger, substance abuse or rage. - check check check check check.

My mom is a textbook example.

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