Anyone else tired of people asking to make Trials of Osiris easier?

Your opinion does not offend me in any way; I was just articulating how your thoughts sounded to me. Apparently, this brought out that you have an extreme flair for the dramatic, which runs consistent with your entire persona, based on your Trials thoughts.

If you feel not being able to succeed in Trials, because of a skill imbalance, should warrant your uninstallation of the game, then please go ahead and take this action. It is just laughable you can get so angry about not being able to compete well in a highly competitive game mode, and feel that warrants some sort of balancing for lesser skilled players so they can get the same end-game loot that is rewarded for players who succeed at the highest level.

Could you send me a guide for the rest of my life?

Sure! Life is not fair. Blaming others for your own shortcomings and trying to reward everyone the same way, regardless of their method of obtaining these rewards, is the level of entitlement representative of this generation and this subreddit. You apparently live in or were raised in a world where you believe everything should be handed to you instead of earned. Instead, maybe realize that you should just play the hand you are dealt and make the most of it. This may lead to a renewed attitude when revisiting the Trials; one where you can realize that skill is not as important as teamwork, chemistry and being cerebral. With this realization and a switch from "woe is me" to "I will pay the hand I am dealt", you may be able to finally realize that crying in a corner for a handicap will get you less kills than confidently taking control of your own situation.

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