I got in a "fight" with a girl at school any advice on how to deal with all the white knighting I'm going to have to deal with.

tell the Truth bro, people often just know when someone's lying, and IME the Truth has a power all it's own, as you can tell it backwards, forwards, begin at any point AND it always will stay the same!

It's powerful, trust in it and if you were doing as you say, security cams might back you up, and if you have a few neutral people to back you up, you have a chance to play this out if it gets bad

fuck the white knights, I'd loudly and clearly without losing my temper, say, specifically using the word "mistaken", nothing else, "you guys are mistaken" and refer to one of the neutral people on your side and say "ask them, they know the Truth" -- hopefully you get a popular/respected person to back you up and it will confuse them enough that you're calling this person as a 'witness' will make them think twice about acting when they might be wrong!

If there are cams, state "you guys are mistake, the cam footage clearly shows that" -- whether it does or Not, the same principle applies, "create enough doubt in their collective minds" that their 'actions' are mitigated for the moment -- think Marty McFly! lol, but seriously!

You understand 'Bucks' mentality as an SJW/WK so 'accommodate and placate it' by leaving the emotional fuckwits confused with "feelings and facts" mixed up enough to jam them for a period

As bro Vaisily says, hopefully it will die down, especially if this chick is known for such behavior.

TL:DR: Go ASAP and calmly tell a teacher who counts, and is fair, the Truth, the Whole truth, and ask for their help in dealing with "other students being vengeful on her behalf",, I would

all the best mate

/r/asktrp Thread