Government response to the Riksdagen

Ha. That was a funny comment.

Almost as funny as the idea that a belligerent nation with a strong nation will promote peace - but that's just the UK under Tory Britain!

Based on Communist foreign policy

While the communists are a valued member of our coalition, the governmental foreign policy will involve the input of all parties involved.

Be sure to tell those losing their jobs that their unemployment will create benefits for them.

I'm sure that there are better jobs which do not involve putting oneself in unnecessary danger to line the pockets of politicians. I'm sure these hypothetical jobs pay better also.

Let me be clear, in international politics you should always be cautious

That's why when it comes to repairing relations between countries, you need to fight proxy wars with them!

You condemn building alliances with countries who want it?

There's a biiiiiiig difference between an alliance and a nuclear defensive pact, still hanging around from the Cold War.

Except when it includes Israel, Ukraine, US, Mexico and basically every capitalist country.

Excuse me? We have no problem with building ties with any of those countries.

Whilst supporting Hammas, and stating on multiple occasions that we should have not intervened in WW2 and the Falklands war.

Hamas are a democratically elected government in Palestine - just because it's not a government which resonates with us particularly well, doesn't mean that it's not fair and just. Your examples regarding WW2 and the Falklands are pathetic - we support the right to self determination, and are willing to defend our allies if necessary. However, unlike some parties, we don't believe in mindless belligerence and brinkmanship, since diplomacy and communication is usually a lot more productive!

Not authoritarian in anyway.

You get to have an opinion on authoritarianism when the actions of your party continue to annihilate any semblance of class or income equality.

You say that in the statement as "we do not share your concern about Russia". Pick one.

We don't believe that Russia is about to invade - that doesn't mean we can't criticise its domestic policy.

Get rid of this government and we might have a just country.

It really slaps me on the knee when a Conservative tries to claim that they'll bring about a just country with one hand, while shoving austerity in everyone's faces with the other. Classic.

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