This. This is what we need!

Y’all are brutal and I’m actually concerned. The sort of non-negotiable, no forgiveness or open ears type of shit that ends up making it easy to turn a perfectly worthy movement into a culture bogeyman demonized into smithereens by the media. I’m just saying anger is required but also don’t forget that introspection and at the very least listening to criticisms or counter arguments can actually be good in the long run. Even if that just means learning more about the policies and ideals of the opposition that give you more reasons to fuck with them. But seriously the inability to even listen to opposing opinions just invites negative reactions. You not only have to know how to listen but also how to respond. I’ve never met anyone who responds to anger with understanding and a willingness to know more, or change their stance, and especially with a topic like this that affects so many people that are extremely against our specific movement. If people don’t know how to talk to them in a way that draws them in, makes them truly understand the benefits people damn near across the board would gain from this, or at the very least want to know more. Leave them with the information in their head they need to make them see the awful shit being done as truly awful. It’s the only thing that’s gonna work. I typed this novel without even thinking clearly so honestly I just wanna see how many people get to the bottom of this paragraph. Kind of want to discard it bc I’m worried about downvotes but also I put so much effort and genuinely believe what I’m saying in it to a degree, so I’m not going to. Hopefully it actually makes sense and isnt a grammatical nightmare bc I’m not proofreading…

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