Get great Tinder pics

Tinder king here. not even really any sense being humble about it. I'm a truck driver, I go everywhere, use tinder every day. At least a girl every 2 weeks. I bet there are over 100+ matches on my phone atm I haven't even looked at yet.

Pictures are definitely important. DO NOT LOOK ANYTHING LIKE A PUSSY IN YOUR MAIN PIC. DO NOT EVEN SMILE. as a matter of fact, my main pic, I swear to fuckin God is me flipping off the camera." Just do not be a fucking pussy, can't stress it enough. I'm not bug by any means whatsoever, I play soccer. skinny af. but I take care of myself, my face is decent, I have sweet hair, and I do not look like the huge pool of pussies she's looking at already. do not have a huge ass smile, arm around your buddies in your first pic. that first pic is what decides if they like you right then, or if they look at your other pics. Having smiles in other pics is just fine, bc to that stupid girl, you're already not a pussy because you're flipping the camera off in your pic. (Lol)

Don't pay for the damn tinder plus, you don't need it. I just like all the damn girls, then filter the ones I match with. I usually don't even message girls first, I'll add ab 5+ matches a day if I'm in a new city, your odds are decent. but, messaging first isn't a red flag or anything, no shit, but just say "hey" "whatsup" "sup." Then if I get a response, I usually ask for their snapchat right there, even if they have it in their profile. it's an advance, and it's a lot more innocent than the phone #. then, when you got 25 new girls on your snapchat that month seeing your (hopefully) non-loser, social, bar/club scene snapchat stories, you get a snapchat message from one.

Anyway, theres a lot of tinder posts, but this guy has it spot on. I'm gonna admit that if I saw me on tinder, I would immediately think I was a douche, but you can't argue w results.

/r/TheRedPill Thread