Greta Thunberg says she ‘needs a rest’ as she heads home to Sweden after year of global climate activism. Teen campaigner, this week named Time’s Person of the Year, is currently in Italy leading a ‘Fridays for Future’ demonstration

We've been told for 50 yrs that the world is going to end in 10 years unless we enact global policies now! And everytime the settled science and consensus is wrong.

No, no one is saying the world will end in 10 years. There is data about how long we have to act before the climate hits major turning points that will lead to some devastating changes, but not "the end of the world".

Ok, now for my opinion and conspiracy theory.

I'm not going to listen to this bs, unless you have actual evidence that this is a plan. I'm sure companies will be taxed on their CO2 output, but not the average citizen. Most environmentalist movements focus on companies and incentives to develop green technology, rather than focusing on individual output.

The Paris Accord took money from the US and gave it to India to open.... Coal mines!


All I can find is that India is still opening coal mines in spite of the Paris Accord, not because of it.

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