This guy blows the lid off of fat acceptance, fat hatred, and healthy at any weight

As someone who was obese for the majority of my life, and now, even my BMI, a widely inaccurate metric, is normal I lack a lot of empathy for the whole "It is hard to lose weight." I was never this big, but I had a medical condition where eating certain foods was causing me obvious pain constantly. If I ate breakfast, I probably couldn't go to school. If I ate too big of a lunch, I would probably go home.

And it was chronic body pain. It felt like I was digesting glass while I would break out in a cold sweat, become nauseated, and get terrible migraines. So, I was afraid to eat unless I was home. And, living in the South, home meant sweets which didn't trigger the same reactions, and when it did, I could go to bed or something. So, the majority of my food intake was from high calorie and sugary foods.

Eventually, it got so bad I was scared I couldn't work once I graduated from college. First doctor I went to did a battery of tests and took my gallbladder. That kinda worked, but not as much as I hoped. I moved, met new doctors and a dietician who tried to say I had Celiac. Put me on a diet for 6 weeks that was killing me. I couldn't go to work at all. Went to a better doctor who did a Celiac test, and I was all clear. The final results with the new doctor was "something is wrong with you, but we have no idea what. I am sorry." Whatever. It was only a few grand right?

In February 2014, weighing at about 220, I started the keto diet. Admittedly, I have strong willpower, and I realized I was doing it wrong. Rather than staying at around 20 net carbs (total carbs minus fiber if you were curious), I did under 20 total for about two or three weeks. The most freaked out I was when I went to work, are breakfast, lunch and snacks without any single pain. I couldn't remember the last time I wasn't in daily pain.

I stuck with the diet with only a few, drinking related hiccups since losing that much weight will kill your alcohol tolerance. In May after a full three months, I hit 178. I had a beach trip, and for the first time, I wasn't trying to figure out a way to wear shirts on the beach and in the pool.

That was two years ago. I hit 159 at some point, but after a month of trips and such, I am at 171 and not currently dieting. I am partially sick a lot of the time, thanks to carbs.

The point of this long story (sorry) is anyone can change if you want to. I made excuses for years. I would allow any discomfort because I was "starving myself" when I was just eating A LOT less calories than I was used to.

It can be done, and the higher quality of life is worth it. I appreciate this guy doing what I couldn't and taking responsibility for his weight. I was also in that healthy at any weight mentality, and it is insidious. I was "in shape" in I could run and workout without issues, but now, I am even better.

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