Men of Reddit, what "feminine" thing do you wish was more acceptable for men to do? (Serious)

I worked as a male receptionist in offices from 18 - 21, and most of them were female dominated. Didn't have credentials for better work (obviously), but was the best work I could get for office experience in my field, and I figured being a receptionist in the field I was hoping to get a career in after finishing college would look better to headhunters than working anywhere else as anything else.

I got quite a bit of what some would view as "sexual harassment in the workplace"... but quite honestly, I didn't view it that way, because I genuinely enjoyed it. There was a blonde lady there that pinched my bum on St. Patrick's day. I would go out for work-related dinners and be the only guy at a table with beautiful women. My boss would call me to her office often just to flirt with me. One highlight experience was when they hired a second temp to help me organize things in a storage room. It was a girl my age, we ended making out most of the time at work, and what should've been a two-day job turned into a five-day ordeal. I thought I was being sly, but at the end of the week, my boss asked me how things were going with Natalie (the other temp), said she hoped we had fun that week, and to enjoy my long weekend.

The stigma reminds me of the stigma that there used to be (and might still be) from men towards men who did yoga. You go to yoga, you're the only guy in the room, it's a "chick" thing... but... you're the only guy in the room, because it's a chick thing (I'm guessing this has changed though, but back then this was exactly how it was).

Those were the days. It set an unattainable standard of what professional life could be in the real world, but it was a dream while it was happening.

And in that dream, I was a male receptionist who practiced yoga. If I could turn back the hands of time...

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