"\" and "/" in url does not throw any error..

Different operating systems use different conventions; Windows is an oddball and uses \ for file paths, whereas (AFAIK), most Linux and Unix systems use / for file paths. I think Bill Gates just made this choice on a whim when making MS-DOS and now we're stuck with it.

Generally, software is pretty good at knowing what you're trying to access, so file paths will still work, although sometimes when opening files (like in python), if you're using Windows, you'll need to double all the slashes in the file path (ex. C:\Users\you\Documents -> C:\Users\you\Documents) since \ is normally used to "escape" special characters (treat them as normal text, like when you're trying to link on reddit).

I'm not super familiar with Intersight or Cisco products/networking, so maybe someone else can comment on that. Anyone feel free to correct me if any of that is wrong.

/r/flask Thread