Guy gets super stoked watching people vape in traffic

This isn't necessarily true. I smoked cigarettes from 17-19, (Stupid decision, don't need it reiterated) and switched to the vaporizers when a friend introduced me to them. So far I've managed to reduce my nicotine usage by something like 80% by dosing(adding nicotine to) my own liquid. Everyone here follows normal tobacco use etiquette (using designated smoking areas, don't do it inside, etc), but there is always the random DB who pulls the vape-in-the-restaurant bullshit.

The big difference you see between big clouds and small clouds is usually the type of heating element build (atomizer) a person is using. A tank that holds the juice and uses pre-built coils at $5-$12/piece, and so called "drippers" where you build your own coils for $0.10 - $0.30 depending on the metal. These coils usually last anywhere from 1-2 weeks normally.

Drippers produce more than tanks do, but are also massively cheaper. It is true that some people use them specifically to get giant clouds for attention, and these types of dripper devices are called cloud chasers. The other type is called a flavor chaser - great flavor and smaller clouds.

However - even the flavor chasers have bigger clouds than the tank style vaporizers. The massive ass coulds are usually asaholes trying to get attention. The mid-size to mid-large clouds are cheap fucks like me who make everything themselves.

The OP video's cloud could go either way as far as asshat-or-cheapskate goes.

Another thing to note is that the drippers are more effective at quickly delivering nicotine because of the larger vapor production. This is important to many 20+ year smokers who are trying to switch to something less harmful and easier to tone down. Many of the people I talk to at my work's smoke pit (behind the parking lot - 100 or so yards from the building) who smoke for a while and tried the tank type mods failed to switch - they can't replace the same amount of nicotine.

Additional, slightly unrelated note: Vaporizers are so much more effective at weaning a person off of nicotine because they don't really have to change any of their other habits. All you do is slowly reduce the nicotine content you use and proceed with everything else like normal.

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