Reddit, what is a DIY thing everybody should know how to do?

I just want to say that this entire comment thread is an entertaining read if you substitute car -> cat.

Agreed. Basic cat maintenance is a must.


People need to just search their cat issues on the internet most of the time.


And no way am I changing my own brakes. One fuck-up, and your cat is plunging into a lake.


I did all of the maintenance work on that cat myself. The one thing I refused to do myself was the oil change.


... All cats come with all necessary equipment needed to change a tire. To change the oil, many modern cats need some expensive equipment that's only standard with garages and hobbiests. In my cat, for example, the plug is inaccessible from the hood. It needs to be on a lift, or at least on ramps which is something most people would rather pay a guy 27 dollars once every six months to do rather than buy the stuff to do it on their own. Then there's the issue of proper disposal.


That being said, you should absolutely have a good working knowledge of how you cat works even if you can't actually work on it yourself. This can save you a lot of money down the line.


Plus, you have to get underneath the cat which is kind of peasant work


I personally find it pleasant rolling around under a cat. Fixing something for someone is so satisfying when you know you're saving them a major headache.


I completely agree with you on this, but what scares me right now is how difficult cats are becoming to do even basic maintenance on without specialized tools or equipment. I hate to be that asshole who cries about how technology is ruining cats, but honestly...


... All you need to change the oil on most cats are the ramps, and a simple socket wrench as well as something to catch the old oil.


Chances are on youtube you can find a video that not only pertains to your issues but on the same model cat as well.


I've been adding and replacing parts on my cat, and using the Internet, it's exceptionally easy to do. Might take some time and effort, but it's not very hard.

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