Guy who is 23 and still can't clear graduation papers and thinks will magically be successful once in America rather than working at McDonald's

Wow people here are honestly being unncessarily and excessively rude to him, tf?

This guy is clearly depressed. He's obviously aware that he's incapable, at least at this point, of moving out of India, which has always a goal of his that he failed to achieve. I'm not going to assume that it was for lack of intelligence, effort, or his physical, mental or phsycial well being, because I don't know. I've seen genius people crumble into nobodies because of their unfortunate circumstances, so I'm not going to assume he's still an undergrad at 23 because he's "too dumb"

He's just seeking ways of coping with his dreams falling apart, so please, stop shitting on him. Dreams are never too big for anyone, and we dont know what they're going through so itns best not to assume shit like a dumbfuck

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