This is the guy who whines about liberal cucks and how feminism has ruined women.

Fuck off, you want to defend this subreddit, you stand for the entire subreddit.

Did this post hit a little too on the nose for you or something? Take a breath, bro.

Yeah, I was bullied mercilessly throughout my school career for being socially awkward and unattractive. By fucking fevered ego fuckstains like you, who think you're better than me just because you've more conventionally attractive and neurotypical. I've been beaten up, hospitalized, thrown in muddy ditches, and had my property stolen and destroyed by useless, hateful fucking sacks of dogshit like you for YEARS, and I fucking hate all of you. If I could push a button that would cause every one of you hateful fucking creep assholes to keel over dead, I would slam that button down so hard while laughing like a maniac.

I fucking HATE you. I wish you were fucking dead. You, and the kind of people who use this forum, are fucking walkking sacks of crap, and I am so fucking sick and tired of hearing your fucking bullshit excuses.

You have NO FUCKING AUTHORITY. You have no right to judge people, and the more you assert your right to judge, the more I assert my right TO FUCKING KILL YOU STUPID, HATEFUL FUCKING SACKS OF SHIT. I understand exactly where every school shooter is coming from. You people are fucking DETESTABLE. You deserve bullets in the head. People like you ruined my fucking life.

You are subhuman scum, and you deserve nothing but pain and suffering in your life, you fucking delusional sack of crap.

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