Is this guy worth a second (third?) chance

if he's truly as interested as he seems

Does he really seem interested though?

I'm new to this whole online dating - before, any dates I had were from in-person interactions (usually introductions through friends). At the time of the day me and the guy met up, I had only been using Grindr for 8 days and he only for 3.

After the first date, I thought he seemed interested because he wanted to meet up on the Friday. But then on Friday I messaged him and he said he couldn't.

Then I chanced my arm and messaged him on Sunday, just wishing him a good time in Switzerland - and he replied, asking if I wanted to grab a drink on the Monday. And then on the Monday he bailed.

That's why I don't think he's interested (we agreed to meet after 7 and when I texted him around 7 he replied on Facebook saying he was sorry and that he was still at work but would message when he gets out. I waited 3 hours before I called it quits, texting him the goodbye. However, he wasn't on Facebook itself till an hour after that - so who knows how these concert jobs work???? I just assumed, since he was on Grindr that it meant he wasn't really at work)

Never know until you hit him up again.

I'm tempted to just say "Hey. How's the concert going? :)" but should I bother including an apology? I don't want to sound stupid XD

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