Guys I fucked up

No fake details would not be good. If I were you I would call in. Find out what unit was on that night. They might arrange a caution there and then and it will be over and done with. Otherwise you are waiting for a summons. Get in before they start processing anything. I think it was shitty of them to single you out , especially when you were minding your own business. But I think if your job is that strict , call to them and get the name of everyone you talk to or their number on the shoulder. It’s now the biggest crime in the country but sort it in the next few days and don’t be waiting and worrying which causes unnecessary stress for the next couple of months. Get someone you trust to go with you for support and not someone who has a ‘thing’ against them. You want to show them that you are a very good person etc etc

/r/Crainn Thread Parent