Guys of MGTOW, what is it really like to have a girlfriend ?

What it's like to have a girlfriend? Well, imagine someone who wants you to be her bitch. You either fight it constantly or become one. That fight never stops and is called "relationship". It involves ever-increasing demands on your time and money, never stopping attempts to isolate you from your friends/family, gaslighting, incessant manipulations to do her bidding through sex access/denial (i.e. training you like a dog using sex instead of food). That's why they call the men "dogs" btw. Plus, guilting, shaming, guilting/shaming, silent treatment (i.e. Q:"What have I done? A: You know what.). Never ending drama, sex on command, constant disrespect in private and in public. In short, it feels like you're adapting a child who has the same rights as you (actually much more) but none of the responsibilities. And nothing you can do when the child misbehaves because they have their personal SWAT team (aka the police) to fuck you in the ass any time she feels like it (you do not even have to do anything). You think you can take it?

/r/MGTOW Thread