Guys would you be with a girl who couldn't have multiple orgasms? [expectations]

Girl here. Love this response. I've been with both men and women, the majority of whom would be done and lose arousal after one or two orgasms, feeling too tired and unable to continue on me afterwards.

For me this wasn't ideal. I find multiples extremely easy to have, and although it sounds like fun, I really need quite a few before I feel satisfied, as if I am "done". I could seriously go for about an hour of straight g-spot stimulation and sometimes STILL feel that I need more, even if I'm exhausted and just want it to be over by that point. I know, poor me, but what I found is that being with a partner, male or female, who wasn't into long sex sessions and could not continue with anything after their orgasm just did not work for me. We were less compatible sexually.

I reckon a lot of people will be quick to say "but... bu... bu... but you're an ASSHOLE if you dump a woman just because of their capacity to orgasm!" When you put it that way, sure, call me Mrs B Knot, and YES, I value "the relationship" (not person) based on sexual compatibility, but personally I would rather be in a relationship that I am more happy with and compatible with sexually.

Just like a partner who was satisfied after one orgasm once broke up with me, because she would've been happier in a relationship where sex didn't have to last a long-ass time. In that case I was head over heels in love with her, but understood that we weren't compatible in the bedroom. Hell, I helped her set up her dating profile. It works both ways and is perfectly acceptable in either situation.

Besides, I've always thought that you are being more of a shitty, unreasonable partner to "expect" your partner to go down on you etc, well after they are satisfied and losing arousal, perhaps somewhat uninterested in sexual acts altogether by that point. Looking at it that way, you're pretty much nullifying their orgasm and implying that they should feel guilty for having had it in the first place. "How DARE you come before me, now you won't feel horny enough to do your duty and get me off!"

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