Why do you think H18 succeeded where Kills & Ends failed?

I loved H18 and Kills.

I read the leaked script before seeing the latter and I wish covid hadn't wrecked their chance to go all in on a fully, unambiguously, ghostly Michael Myers. The mob scene was much better, and the characters were forced into a world in which they couldn't deny that Michael was an otherworldly being of some kind, setting up higher stakes for Ends and the interesting possibilities as to why he looked out his sister's bedroom window.

Judging from a comment from someone who got to see a test screening for Kills (I think it was in /r/movies), the original pre-covid-delay version was like the leaked script, and the mob scene was epic instead of being rushed over dialogue and missing the weight of people realizing the Boogeyman is real.

All of this is biased by my interest in stories where characters that think they live in our universe have to find out the hard way that they live in a world with some kind of supernatural element to it, and how they decided to go with Ends completely backed away from the story line they'd originally chosen.

I get why people didn't want a return of Thorn-level "explanation" of Michael Myers, but embracing the supernatural part would still have been different from other sequels without any of the ways that Ends just plain contradicts H18 and Kills.

/r/Halloweenmovies Thread Link - i.redd.it