Why use hardware wallets over paper wallets?

Any time a private key is given to an operating system you are at risk until the funds that key is releasing are confirmed in a block. You may have mad ninja skill OPSEC, but I always assume that no computer or OS (even you tails) is secure. Maybe it's secure enough for a $100 UTXO, or a $1000 UTXO. But what happens in 50 years when those UTXOs are worth millions.

Right but that's what I was getting at is that would you trust a Trezor with millions either? Especially when a vulnerability was just discovered (and fixed) where an attacker could ransom your change address? It just seems that a simple paper wallet with the right precautions and knowledge might be better for very long term storage.

PS... Shamir's Shared Secret is also cool.

Agreed! Hope there is a community-wide standard soon.

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