In Harry Potter, Harry wears glasses. Why don't wizards use contacts? Is there something we don't know that the wizards do?

Harry's just a little fucking poser.

Seamus Finnigan wears contacts, he gets them from Boots Opticians in Belfast between terms at Hogwarts.

It's rumored that when reading in the common room one evening, he was wearing his glasses (he'd run out of contacts) and Harry and his pals all pile in after another ridiculous, irresponsible and dangerous adventure. It's all smiles until harry sees Seamus.

'What the fuck are you wearing?' snorted harry.

'Mi glasses Harry. Mi Mam's not sent mi contacts yit, gotta wear dees til dey come'

Harry laughed harder, gesturing his cronies to come over and take the piss out of Seamus some more.

'They don't suit you Seamus you Irish twat, take them off. It takes a certain look to carry off Glasses, and you don't have it you spud faced cunt!'

The whole room roared with laughter, and with a sigh, holding back the tears, Seamus removed the Glasses and muttered 'Fekken cunt' under his breath before plodding off to bed.

'Maybe Harry's right' thought Seamus , 'maybe i'm not cool enough for ridiculous, round brass spectacles'.

He reported harry for bullying the following morning to Professor McGonagall, but she simply smirked at him, and said 'Perrrhaaaps Potter's maybe a wee bit right Seamus, you doo look little twatty'.

Nothing came of it.

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