
So, physique-wise, I went from ~22%BF to ~14% over 1.5 years. That's a long time to drop that much, but I like to eat, and I live and often visit top Southern US foodie cities. Dropped some 9 inches from the waist (was horribly inconsistent on ab work), and added about 7 inches to the pecs/lats circumference. Quads become more noticeable (maybe 3 inches gained) and plenty of folks gave me compliments on my arm and chest development (highly anecdotal and a truly terrible measurement, I know, but I wasn't in the habit of keeping records at the time).

As far as strength, this wasn't my primary focus - I achieved 1x5 at ~2xbodyweight (295lb DL - 150lbs BW) with inconsistent training over that 1.5 year period. Why inconsistent? Not every program had programmed in heavy DLs and thus I wasn't performing them 1-2x/week as one probably should. Bench press topped out at 5x5 at 180lbs (BW 150lbs). Squats (full ATG) topped out at 235 lbs, same BW. One set pull up total, after 4 weeks of training, increased from 3 to 12.

I spent far more time focused on conditioning, to where I went from 6 burpees EMOM over 10 minutes to 16 burpees EMOM over ten minutes.

I'll also admit that I didn't "try" as hard as I probably should have - I could have pushed harder, added more weight, whatever, but I'm, in general, lazy, so I only did what was necessary, and didn't always push for the extra gain. After the initial round of Shred->Ax-1->Ax-2, I found myself program hopping alot, up until I did Pull Up/Shut Up and the Beaxst. After that, a lot more program hopping as I just couldn't decide on what my goals should be.

These programs are more for general GPP and I would only recommend them as such - there are a couple of programs that focus more on strength, but, frankly, there are better out there. A seasoned lifter might enjoy Beaxst, but I wouldn't necessarily expect that their numbers would pop.

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