Having an online affair has made me realize how bad my marriage sucks.

Try to keep perspective though.

You will never find the sort of whirlwind passion that affairs bring about that can survive reality.

They're full of anticipation. I mean, you know something is going to do down. It's not like dinner out with the SO that has just a likely shot at ending in them falling asleep on the couch or complaining that the food made them too gassy. Serious... And they wonder why it's not the top of my list of things to do.

They're full of nervous relief. It's a mini-vacation. You probably don't talk much about work or your family (if you do, wtf?)..... You are on a mini vacation from the person you are 99.9% of the time. Get some drinks, talk about whatever, have sex that is not routine or mechanical... It's like the honeymoon without the wedding bullshit. And you get to repeat it. It's fucking rad.

What I'm saying is that you are seeing someone who is probably feeling that same sense of freedom and excitement that you are. It's no wonder we're doing it. You get a chance to be the best version of yourself.

Of course I have no real knowledge of what the home life is like, so I'm just sort of speaking in general terms. I see a ton of posts where the dopamine and seratonin are flowing like a tidal wave and a wee bit of perspective is a good thing to keep if you can.

I'm not saying don't do it and adultery is wrong... No no, I'm saying it's fucking great, but a good part of what makes it great is not going to survive getting socked in the mouth by reality.

Stay on vacation as long as you can.

/r/adultery Thread