I want to hear thoughts about the initial army vs him. Should I have won the game?

First: When starting the game you should get drone overlord (13) drone you get drone drone overlord. If you make a mistake and get drone drone overlord (I sometimes do it when not thinking) you should do an extractor trick - wait till you have 50 minerals, build extractor, build drone, cancel extractor this lets you get to 15/14 supply for about 6 lost minerals.

Your opening build is a bit wonky 14hatch 13gas 12 pool isn't a good build. Better is 18hatch 18 gas 18 pool (or 17 pool if you scout something weird)

Your speed was late, you want to start it as close to 100gas as possible, after queens and inital 2-4 lings though.

I personally don't like that style of timing attack (i generally prefer 1/1 roach speed timing) with roaches but I can't deny its results in this game however you over-extended, I know it can be hard as zerg to realize ok damage done time to drone but thats what you should have done here the 12 lings at 5:40 prob should have been your last ones you should have built drones after that along with spores (cause void ray) and maybe an extra queen and then just droned till fully 3base saturated while teching to lair and 1/1 then get hydra den hydra and roach upgrades and push out at 2/2 maxed out and win.

If you're wondering how to stop that void ray push at least 2 queens and a spore per base and keep the queens beside the spores and actually even 2 spores is only, the void rays are all he really had. Everything else in the game (including the fact it didn't end at the 10min mark) is basically because of over-extension and no reaction to the void rays. But for future reference I'll go into it anyway.

At 10mins you kill the voids finally, you should have retaken your 3rd and maybe even double expanded taking a 4th too and then drone like a mad man getting the spores and queens I mentioned.

Stop underestimating void rays btw, 4 of them are pretty good :) Also voids counter corruptors not the other way around I disagree with your spire choice mass hydra is a better choice if not then mass muta but certainly not corruptor. Getting +1 or even +2 zergling attack vs a guy playing like this is really good you can kill his base before the voids can kill your zerglings. I think that's most of it, there is prob more but if you can understand this much you'll do well enough

/r/allthingszerg Thread