HEAR YE HEAR YE: I have been banned from mua for (spins wheel of excuses)...transphobia!

Your entire statement is honestly too dumb to not address.

But he/she is literally used for all situations where gender is unconfirmed in normal writing? As in everyday vernacular? Used by most businesses and the vast vast majority of the population?

Based on my experience as both a trans woman and the mod of major trans subs, I will make the educated guess that you are NOT trans. Yet, you're telling a trans person how words are used and not to pay attention because they're probably harmless.

Please also pick out innocuous phrases and words that are used derisively against PoC, LGBT & Religious communities and let them know that everything is fine and they're misinterpreting everything... you know, overly sensitive

(Pointing out again, that I didn't ban the OP and, in fact, was the mod that unbanned her).

So is the whole world being transphobic, or are those mods just taking advantage of a real-life, important issue in order to settle a petty grievance that could have been avoided IF THEY FOLLOWED THE RULES THEY SET UP WITH THE INPUT OF THE COMMUNITY THEY WERE SUPPOSED TO MODERATE IN THE FIRST PLACE.

Whole lotta words to say, "I don't really understand what happened, yet I feel like I should lump everything together" while not even considering that there's no chance that someone interpreted a statement as being transphobic and removed the user. Yes. The world is cruel to cis people and a makeup forum is more important.

Who's really being a disservice to the trans community by purposely misrepresenting and misinterpreting an innocuous statement?

See the previous statement about me NOT EVEN BANNING THE OP? Now, kindly kiss my ass for having the damn gall to tell me that I'm doing a friggin disservice to MY community.

/r/muacirclejerk Thread Parent Link - i.redd.it