This is my 100% au natural body you jealous pores could NEVER have a butt as smooth and plump as this.

Completely agree with you. James has done plenty of problematic things, to say the least, but no one deserved to be threatened with having private pictures exposed without their consent. That’s revenge porn, which is all kinds of fucked up. It frustrates me that people are minimizing this to James just doing it for attention. James has done plenty of things for clout, but this wasn’t one of them. He expressed agency when faced with threats and blackmail.

Is the nude FaceTuned to a ridiculous degree? Of course, just like all of James’ photos. Do I personally follow or support James? Nope, not at all. But I respect what he did by choosing to take his power back here. I don’t know if I could have done the same, if someone threatened to expose my nudes.

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