Heavy police presence at high school in Kiel, WI; reports of shots fired

Lmao, I'm the troll while you're sitting here typing up cliches instead of using any bit of critical thinking. I already told you why "but its the most peaceful time ever!!!!!!!" is misleading. It includes petty crimes.

I have zero idea how you actually think that this is the most peaceful time in regards to random attacks such as shootings? Like just use some common sense, or critical thinking if you so wish to actually think about what you're typing.

Phones have been in our pockets for years now. Mainstream media has been around even longer. That bullshit "the world isn't worse, there is just more exposure" is so stupid. I can't believe people fall for it. If you're older than 16, then surely you're aware that that would have made sense as a statement maybe 5 years ago?

But nah. Keep spamming your silly, false cliches lol. Ignorance is indeed bliss.

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