
i think the reasons behind yasuo being a permaban are first of all yasuo mains, who know what they're doing, are hard to handle if you don't know the soft spots of yasuo (yes there aren't too much, but you can find and abuse them). people just don't want to think about how to outplay him. the second reason is the witchhung, i like to call it the zed-effect. some youtuber with clickbait titles does a video, everyone goes 'oh god this HAS to be true' and the permaban beginns, just like the zed permaban when duskblade was released. and lastly there's the 'trust me, i'm a dia5 smurf'-effect. must vayne, yasuo, lee sin or riven players on your team (yes i included riven in the rivenmains forum because there are some people picking her away from you) will go ahead, not use their champ to the full extent and the whole feed, rage, afk, int-chaos starts. that's why i'm here, i have hope in a similar, high skillcapped champion that can snowball hard when played right and i hope to learn riven and play her better than i do now.

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