Hello, can't seem to make gifs from a couple of specific NSFW sites

Why was this downvoted so much? Am I not allowed to ask these sorts of questions? Is this frowned upon? I genuinely don't understand. I only meant to bring up some bizarre technical issues I discovered. Am I not allowed to ask a simple question? Bring up something that's been bothering me? I thought this subreddit was for technical support. I didn't post spam or anything offensive, did I? I understand if you don't like NSFW content, but that doesn't mean you should demonize it. I didn't post anything provocative or explicit, just a simple inquiry about a strange set of glitches, nothing more. If no one is willing to help me, I can understand that, but you don't have to downvote me to oblivion just to prove a point.

/r/gfycat Thread