Help! I feel so stressed working as a graphic designer.

I worked in graphic arts on the production end, first in book printing and then in high end pharma advertising.

Stress is the default, especially if you care about your work. I retired at 53 and so many physical and mental problems cleared up. It is a brutal area to work in although, like you, I loved it even as it killed me.

I think it would help you to find a therapist specializing in cognitive techniques. Unlike many therapies, cognitive does not go on forever. It teaches you techniques to deal with life as it is and, once mastered, it's done.

The work won't get better. By nature, graphics requires technical skill, an ability to work within super tight timelines and vast peo ple skills. Those are skills seldom found in the same person, hence the stress,and it's inevitability.

You cannot change the nature of the work, you can only change your ability to deal with it.

Good luck!

/r/Design Thread