Help! i lost my save...

copy-pasta'ing from when i reached out to help my friend. Start writing down all the information that you can from below, and have it ready for when they email you back. also, note down your current UID in the overwritten game because they will ask you for that once they can verify your account.

Hello there,

Thank you for writing to FINAL FANTASY Record Keeper support.

We regret to hear what happened to your game account.

We would like to remind you that we ask players to be very careful when handling their game account, as it is mentioned in the game Menu: "Manage Account". Due to the complication of the issue, please understand it is not always possible for our engineers to restore a lost or overwritten game account.

With that in mind, in order for us to evaluate whether the restoration of your game account is possible, we would require you to provide the following information:

  • Your current UID. ( Not the account you want back, the one that shows on your phone now) (Please visit Menu > Question? > Other support, to confirm your UID in the inquiry form)

Regarding your activity in the lost account: - The approximate date and time you started to play. - The date and approximate time you logged-in into the previous game account for the last time.

  • All information about your devices : exact name, carrier, os...

  • Please attach your receipt in your message

Information about previous game account: *Although we know that it is not always easy to remember all the details about the previous game account, please try to provide as much answers as possible. - The total number of Stamina available on your lost game account. - The nickname chosen for your Hero on your lost game account (Standard: Tyro) - Your profile comment on the lost game account. - If you shared id, your friend ID on your lost game account. - The Characters that reached the lv 50 or more on your lost game account. - The list of 5 Stars Rarity Equipment that you acquired on the lost game account. - The Character and the Equipment set as for your Roaming Warrior on the lost game account. - Any other details or information you would remember about the lost game account (Items, Equipment other that 5 Stars, Realm and Dungeon Completion, Events, etc...)

Again, please kindly understand that in order to locate your previous game account accurately, every single field of information listed above is very important for us. Your replies will be the only support for our research. We may not be able to find you lost account if we do not have enough information about it, this is why we would appreciate if you could be as exhaustive as possible and respond to each entry.

/r/FFRecordKeeper Thread