Here it is…Salad kicks FB & the evil look on his face after is very telling. If this is what’s happening on camera imagine “behind the scenes”. She’s in the ME & has no one. What a flipping idiot.

What a shocker. This guy is a total creep - and who could have possibly predicted it? Other than, you know, everyone? Chins may have finally met her match - in deviance, just not in love. Because degenerate he may be, but she did some pretty objectively awful things to Nader, and there was a lot of back and forth with them in the "who can do the worst thing to the other person?" contest.

This guy, though? No. He's in charge, fully. There will be no false SA charges as "revenge", or calling the cops because he won't answer your million phone calls. There will be no substance fueled makeup trips to seedy motels, and if this guy wants to add a D2 into his life, he's legally allowed to do exactly that and even marry her too, LOL. Try using the police in Kuwait as a tool to satisfy your jealousy, or doxing a random elderly woman, and see where that gets you.

Hell, this new guy makes Nader look like the life of the party - all smiling, dancing, doing magic tricks and burning meat on those first few dates! Meanwhile, we're on like day 7 and Salah is over here shutting her big ass down, hard, over a poutine description and then kicking her over that trickle of rage which boiled out! But hey: at least both these sorry ass "men" got free groceries and iPhones from the beast, so they've got that in common. What a circus of straight up losers. Love that for her!

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