Here is what happens when your Apple order gets lost:

The main reason I wrote this post was to get our reactions.

So far I understand that I overreacted and this is a “normal” issue with “happy ending”. I agree. After all the 2000€ iPad Pro with all the dongles, keyboard and pencil is a very nice toy. Not that I really needed it, but I find myself spending a lot of time with it, much more than with my iPhone Max and MacBook Pro. I can highly recommend the setup. I can even think that in the future iPad, Apple Watch LTE and a decent camera would make my iPhone obsolete. I just wonder if Apple would become a product manufacturer for “high end users” willing to spend a lot of money on their products and being treated a bit “special” or Apple does not care? So far Amazon Customer Support is much better, and honestly I don’t treat Amazon as a “special” service.

/r/apple Thread