hey, i need some structural advice for this training plan. Ive been following this plan for a bit now, but i dont even know if its flawed in any way that a newbie like me doesnt see so i came here for help and would be grateful for anything. thanks in advance (:

How new are you to climbing? I take it is your plan to do these workouts after climbing sessions? How many days a week are you focusing on just going in and climbing? What are you trying to train for? Bouldering, indoor ropes, outdoor sends? Generally being a better climber?

My take: You can combine some of these workouts to 1-2 days, and then use the other days climb more and more and see better climbing gains. And I’m no expert on this myself but I think it is very safe to wager that campusing as a beginner will help you with nothing when it comes to gaining proper climbing technique. Push-ups are good to do in general but also won’t help you be a better climber at all. I would scrunch up your bodyweight and lifting workouts into 1-2 days and then plan to incorporate some technique-based climbing days. For example watch videos on techniques, then go in and focus on working on those when you’re on the wall. If you’re a beginner, wall-time is the best workout of all to get climbing gains. I didn’t even start doing any climbing-specific bodyweight or weight training until 8 months into my climbing career when I finally hit a plateau at climbing 5.11-‘s only, and during those first 8 months I climbed a huge volume and just got lots of wall time, going in 3-5 times a week sometimes. Now, I climb 1-2 days a week and do bodyweight and lifting 1-2 other days.

/r/climbharder Thread Link - i.redd.it