Hey /r/India how the fuck do you date?

It depends on the following factors - location - city, small towns, north/south - generation - current 25-30s, 20-25s, or Teens - financial status

Dating (in India) can be broken down into following

  1. Meeting new women

This in itself is a big deal for many men (I used to be one of them), who constantly hangout with their male friends and play video games, drink on weekends with the same male friends on weekend, stare at other guys who hang out with women, as they were magicians who pulled out bunnies from their a**). They probably hit the gym once in a blue moon, watch movies, go to malls to eat and shop only, play a little bit of sports. Chances are you are always in situations where male to female ratio is like gazillion:1. The pubs you visit have no single girls, our office has no single girls, even the few single ones aren't that attractive. Chances are you are already friend-zoned by one or more women constantly, where you are their sweet friend.

There are others who are social and belong to the neo-westernized-indians who have a bunch of male and female friends, who constantly meet new people and go to parties, go out often to socialize, watch movie, eat out, drink at high end bars and pubs. I don't think you are one of these. Otherwise you won't be posting here.

  1. Showing interest to the woman

Chances are many guys are struggling from this, esp. they fall into friend-zone because you are trying to be too nice (read - a pussy). Some "smooth" strategies are getting the number casually, then sending a joke or something stupid in WhatsApp "casually". Then gathering up the courage to ask her out, with a lot of help from the woman herself. Chances are you go out, and then do everything for her, look at her for approval for each and every decision, of course because you are not going to meet another new girl for four to six months maybe. You shower a lot of "care and affection" towards her by constantly messaging her and calling her, waiting to take her out all the time.

You try to imitate the quintessential good guy hero in the bolly, tolly, kolly, molly, and every other godolally-wood movies. And still wonder why the hell does she not like you. I have been there too.

  1. I won't even bother to go to the other steps now because it seems like you have a problem to just get "dates"and meet new women and socialise and get to know them and have relationships.

To give you summary of various kinds of girls I have known in India

  • There are women who secretly have a boyfriend for a long time, then disclose it to their families. They usually hardly meet new guys as well and chances are they belong to very orthodox 80s families and are not very financially or socially independent. This relationship is one of the most happening and thrilling things happening in their lives. If they face a lot of problems or if the relationship doesn't go very well, they break up or some stay along to fight with their parents to see their relationship succeed. If they breakup the guy becomes a gigantic dick and starts to harass her, sing sad songs, and blame her for everything that she betrayed him and grow beard and becomes heart broken etc.

  • If the same woman comes to work and live in a city. She goes out on weekends, shops modern clothes in a mall, eats in famous chains, do the usual "cool" stuff city dwellers do. Post photos on Facebook of her in new places with new clothes. She is used to guys approaching her, and if she finds someone she is attracted to, she sticks to him and has a relationship until the relationship continues to exist.

  • Then the women who go to school/college in cities, who have watched "F.R.I.E.N.D.S." and wants to have a friends group similar to that. They have more western opinion about relationships, they are open minded relatively a lot more about activities like drinking, and sometimes even sex. They listen to mostly western pop songs. They have had a few boyfriends, and has one now or is looking for one.

Most of the women face the same problem from Indian guys - "Being Judged". They categorise them as sluts, good girls, girlfriend material, marriage material etc.

So if you TLDR'd Get off your ass and meet some new people and do some new interesting stuff outside your comfort zone. Do not hang out with the same set of friends all your life and be a close minded moron.

I am a professional dating coach, one of the few unheard ones in India, to respect the reddit rules, I am not going to post any links here. If you are interested I can help you improve your life with women over a matter of few weekends.

/r/india Thread