
I can't access that ticket, that's why I had more than one in the first place. I thought you had to visit a confirmSorry. link after you put in your email, I never got an email (this was before the email ticket change mind you). I never had access to that ticket after I clicked out of that page, and I initially thought it was required to visit the link in the mail in order to have that ticket go through. So I thought the first ticket was in the abyss, because the next ticket sent me an email. Once I realized it wasn't necessary to do anything with the email, I knew I had 2 threads open, but I have no way of marking the first thread resolved or responding to it. That's on me, it's pretty much all on me. If I could have closed the first ticket I would.

I didn't open multiple tickets on purpose, I just dicked myself somehow on the first one. I should have saved the ticket # but this was before the big red disclaimer was added to the top of the page (and when the emails would still come from time to time)

Sorry. I fucked up. I have fucked up.

/r/fakeid Thread Parent