HIF watching the drama unfold after Reddit finally bans FPH.

You know, I had mixed feelings about fph. Granted, people should be able to do what they want with their bodies but sometimes shaming has to get ugly for a while in order for things to change. It took years and years of shaming, publishing articles on health consequences, and a dedicated effort to make it outright difficult to do for smoking to lose its prominence. Now, when the few people do smoke, they do so under no illusion that it is good for them.

Obese people are like smokers in that they are choosing to bring their overall quality of life and health down, but unlike smokers, many dont see that what they are doing to themselves is having real negative consequences for themselves and for others. With the HAES movement, fatter people are less likely to trust physicians in general, less likely to go in for preventative care, more likely to ignore recommendations from health professionals and therefore MUCH more likely to wind up in the emergency room. The emergency room is expensive, it's for emergencies, the hospital system can't handle this influx of people that refuse to take suggestions to lose weight and improve their health.

In addition to driving up medical costs for absolutely everyone else (emergency rooms can't refuse treatment, if the person cant pay the money has to come from somewhere). Obese people resemble smokers in that their habits encroach on the space around them. While 2nd hand fat isn't a thing, overcrowding on transportation and the increasing demand to make way for people with obesity related mobility issues is, it's inconvenient and the money paying for extra-wide theater seats and lil rascals could go to making it easier for people with actual disabilities.

Obviously, not everyone who is overweight is obese and the people at fph don't draw the line in who they mock but remember that shaming IS a form of activism. What else can be done to stop people making their children as fat as they are or compromising their own quality of life because of their weight that they CAN LOSE but believe they either can't or shouldn't. Movements tell them to IGNORE health warnings. They construct straw man arguments about anorexia, media portrayals of thinness and "fat acceptance" that skirt around the ultimate issue.

Creepshots are not the way to go but seriously, something has to be done.

tl;dr: I think that shaming is a legitimate (if problematic) way to go about bringing social change

p.s. This is not defending behavior of the people whining about the sub getting shut down, I just think that it provides an interesting platform to discuss the validity of the various means by which we try to bring about positive change

/r/TrollXChromosomes Thread Link - i1157.photobucket.com