HIFW there is a msg from a pregnant person complaining about the no BFP rules and they say that TFAB is for the infertile/struggling when I don't even discuss my own infertility issues on TFAB and all of the rules re BFPs have been voted on by the community members

Also using a throwaway because I'm done with being bullied by the mods at TFAB, but I agree with this completely. I am currently undergoing IVF too. I am experiencing the heartache of expensive failures and fertility treatment too. But you know what? I would never begrudge anyone their success. There is absolutely no reason for the bullying. Sure, a gentle reminder is warranted if someone screws up but I would never condone the bullying behavior I see by the mods on my behalf. I don't feel protected from that behavior in TFAB, I feel threatened that if I make a mistake somehow that I too will experience the horrible treatment they seem to relish doling out. It's toxic. And it's really inexcusable. Half of the stuff I see in here is outright mean. Mocking people from the subreddit you moderate is reprehensible. It's childish. And it's hurtful.

I have a chronic illness that has really fucked up my life. It will likely shorten my life and it makes day to day living a fucking challenge sometimes. Does that give me the right to be bitter and horrible to all of the normies walking around? Absolutely not. It's my shit to deal with. I don't get to put it on anyone else. And frankly, why would I? If I could have a chronic illness-free life of course I would take it, so how does it make it ok to hate on everyone who has something I don't? That's entitled and spoiled behavior and if that's truly the mind set you're in then I'm sorry you are hurting so badly but it's still not ok. We have a choice to be bitter and nasty or not. As they say in school, "make a (fucking) good choice, TFAB mods."

/r/trollingforababy Thread Parent Link - reactiongifs.com