Hilarious White House Correspondents' Dinner monologue

If you think cutting edge comedy is coming from The Daily Show or SNL, you're too unfamiliar with what's going on in the industry for me to even argue with. I know that sounds like a cop out, but it's a fact.

My politics are fairly similar to plenty of comedians, something you'd also know if you actually had the comedic insight you claim. Doug Stanhope, Bill Hicks, Howard Stern, Joey Diaz, Jerrod Carmichael, Bill Burr. In fact, in actual reality, in this physical universe, the one we're living in right now, comedians tend to skew way libertarian. The Daily Show and SNL are commercial cracker mills that crank crowd tested hacks to stroke the fragile intellectual sensibilities of SJW's and middle class socialists, so they can sell you crap you don't need during the commercial breaks. That's all.

You're clueless when it comes to comedy, dude. You're literally arguing with me when I said pandering and repetitiveness are not funny. Care to elaborate on that point, or are you ready to admit you're a politically motivated troll without a sense of humor?

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