Hillary Clinton should be disqualified as the Democratic Nominee and replaced by Bernie Sanders. The American people deserve a fair election. Extend the election by 3 months, give us 3 new debates, and let two anti establishment candidates go head to head.

She should have been disqualified a long time ago, and even if they disqualify her now, Bernie is not the person we need in there - and I hate saying that bc I switched my registration from life-long Rep, to Ind so I could vote for him in the primary. However, after he endorsed Clinton (and, I'm sorry, but no reason is good enough,) I knew he is not the person this country needs for what we are facing.

And what we are facing is much worse than the Clinton Crime Family (but, yes, they DEFINITELY need to go.) Clinton's Open Society friends have commandeered our electoral process to guarantee a Clinton win - and I'm not just talking about voting machines. They are influencing governmental policy and decision-making in ways most of the government doesn't even realize - In fact, they are exceedingly close to controlling it entirely. This may sound exaggerated, but it's not - it's true and it's terrifying.

This election isn't a contest between political parties - It's literally a contest between maintaining our Constitutional Sovereignty or being absorbed into global governance. If Trump isn't elected, the country our Founding Fathers created is gone - and it will be virtually impossible to regain it. Our "life, liberty and pursuit of happiness" is going to be supplanted by THEIR idea of utopia - and that includes property rights, socially desirable behavior, informing the public, and maintaining civility - read between the lines.

Our government needs a TOTAL overhaul, and no one "raised" in the bureaucracy is capable of doing it. Start with the obvious criminals, and then do a thorough cleaning across the top management layer of EVERY agency. My guess is many of them will resign to save face if Trump is elected. Our system of checks and balances is gone, and video hearings about the problems can never replace true oversight and ACTION.

Donald Trump wants to bring out the best in America. I am keeping the faith that America will bring out the best in him.

/r/The_Donald Thread