Extroverts who ask others “why are you so quiet”, what kind of response are you looking for?

“I’m comfortable with uncomfortable silences.”

I think this points to something important: many people do not feel like they have permission not to talk or “be sociable” and thus appear like extroverts when they’d actually just love an invitation to sit in silence with friends without feeling awkward.

A Quiet friend of mine once said something like this to a Talker friend at a lunch with me and the two of them. The Talker seemed to be making pointless small talk and the Quiet sage said super warmly: “I feel closest to friends who I can sit quietly with and just enjoy the silent presence of.” And it had an immediate powerful impact on the dynamic. It didn’t land as “shut up” but like “join me in this loving social silence.” Like an invitation for greater closeness. Everyone immediately felt that they were being adequately friendly by just being and mostly shut up unless something was really alive.

TLDR: Introverts, you can train your chatty friends by warmly permissioning their silence.

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